We have a lot of emails asking for help in choosing a name for your newly adopted pet rabbits. Now, as part of our research we examined the most popular bunny names, so we thought we'd share with you.
Rabbits here are the names of our collection in random order:
* Bailey
Bugs *
* Thumper
* Lakes
* Midnight
* Riley
* Pepin
* Noel
* Piper
* Holbrook
* Willow
* Cocoa
* Maybelline
* Dezzi
* Pepe
* Cherub
* Romeo
* Hershey
* Hayley
* Velvet
Tinkerbell *
* Juniper
* Dutch
* Tuxedo
* Patch
* Sadie
* Tyler
* Duchess
* Harvey
* Pumpkin
* Angel
* Binky
* Hopkins
* Snowball
* Peanut
* Dakota
* Dash
* Hopper
* Muscat
* Smokey
Not enough? :-) Ok, more names for your pet rabbit:
* Chance
* Shadow
* Snuggles
* Tiny
* Flopsy
* Marshmallow
* Gatsby
* Jade
* Frodo
* Arial
* Rex
* Mittens
* Zuzu
* Halo
* Onyx
* Sabrina
* Fine
* Noir
* Q-Tip
* Nibbles
* Daisy
* Merry
* Tricycle
* Oscar
* Zoey
* Pepe
* Sundance
* Hopson
* Ripley
* Trance
* Sweetpea
* Charmin
* Noah
* Silver
* Bumper
* Rascal
You know the names of other popular rabbit? Let us know and we'll add to this list!
The names of our readers
* Jazmin (names for girls bunny-rabbit)
* Princess
* Rox
I * (stands for the initials EB, short for Easter)
* Emma
* Sophie
* Einstein (smart name for male rabbit
* Muffins
* Mopsy
* Honey
* Toker (nice name for small pets skin)
* Smores
* Ollie
* Willow Jett
* Fern
* Snickerz
* Gadget (probably named for rabbits, playing with toys, love)
Dandelion * (great name!)
* Thumper
* ZYpp
* White Chocolate (in the case of the hare is brown and white)
* Tinker
* Sunny
* Buttons (if you see, Baby Bunny eyes you will understand this)
* Hocus Pocus
* Houdini
* Treacle
* Bunny Bunny fun (by name, said in a very highPitch)
* Milly
* Amber
* Max
* Jessee (for a girl or a boy rabbit)
* Lola
Please send your comments to our knowledge of the rabbit collecting names. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
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