Many states have over the years, repealed the helmet requirement law because many mountain bikers argued that adults should, elections can not decide between, whether to take o. "Make With all due respect, I know that helmets can save lives, but this law is seriously feel like children on tricycles. It 'not really have anything against the door of a bicycle helmet when I click on my ATV or what ... but it is a question if I am given the opportunity, or, "says FrankButchers in this area.
Wisconsin have repealed their helmet law on the application some time ago and now it seems that cyclists and policitians Michigan each other around the neck trying to get the law repealed. In June 2006, Governor Jennifer Granholm State has refused to pass a law - tried to law, the helmet wearing laws were repealed. Despite warnings from the realization of their career and position of a political danger, stood their ground.
"In this matterThe evidence is clear, motorcycle helmets save lives and reduce serious injuries, "said Granholm, they passed the law against his veto. It seems that the governor will jeopardize their position despite his career as governor of Michigan.
Granholm's Got a topic of meat, while the bikers think that if and when the law was passed, many cyclists can continue to ride the helmet if you use the ATV. This is his personal decision. And as for the other 30 states, hasto repeal a law in this case, cyclists thought it was unfair to impose such a thing, because to allow them to wear a helmet or a choice not to do.
On another note, it seems that cyclists agree that children and young drivers should continue to wear a helmet. The law may require to make children and youth ATV riders under 21 years on the helmet. As for cyclists and motorcyclists adult ATVs are concerned, there is a general feeling that theyGiven the choice.
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