If you have a child, you already know that he or she is a little bundle of endless energy! My twins were two months ago, and have non-stop action, since he learned to walk. It's never boring! It 's a time since I had a baby at home, and I had forgotten how fast they grow and what they have learned during this phase, baby.
At this age, many children develop motor skills. There are two main types of motor skills: Grossmotor skills and motor skills. Gross motor skills involve large muscles and strengthen walk / running, climbing, games and general. motor skills involving the use of hands and fingers and hand to eye coordination. The child reinforce many of these features per se, but there are many ways you can encourage and help them develop their motor skills.
Food and care
The easiest way to promote, develop your motor skills of children, is to haveHelp them with everyday tasks such as feeding and cleaning themselves. Infants are known to be messy when eating, but that is the age where they should be with a spoon and fork to feed themselves, how can it be chaotic. This allows a great help, his motor skills and eye coordination in the hand. Your child will enjoy clean and undressing, combing hair, and teeth.
Drawing and Coloring
A child aged 18 months is capable of staining. II did not know until my kids brought home the first color page of the Sunday School. I could not believe it! For the little ones love to scribble. Wal-Mart sells some large-scale coloring books that show the colors to paint my boys and sit with them and love them how to hold the pen. My kids love to take the pins out of hand and I say "no" when you try the color on the same page with them!
Puzzles and Shape Sorter
Puzzles and shape sorters are ideal for children from 18 months of age.Once again I was surprised how my kids were small pieces into a square wooden puzzles. It took several months to figure out which pieces and where to be able to return your pieces the right way to fit in the puzzle was, but she kept busy for 10-15 minutes at a time, and it is amazing how they remembered every time who sat down to do his puzzle. Shape sorters are also great. There are several different guys and having the best, some respond to others.We found a nice after the deposit of the child as a tool box is decorated outside and inside of a shape sorter. My kids have spent many hours trying to understand what shapes go where. The toolbox makes a noise when the form is in the hole right.
Songs with hand motions
Young children love to sing and dance. Songs with hand movements are a great way for children to learn motor skills. My kids started small movements of the hand about 18 months, but after about two years, haswere willing to do most of the gestures their favorite songs. Some of his favorites: "Itsy-Bitsy Spider," "Patty Cake," "If you're happy and you know it Clap Your Hands". Sunday School favorites are "deep and wide" and "This Little Light of Mine."
Free Play and exercise
Gambling is a great way to develop both gross and fine motor skills. Running, jumping, skipping hopping, and all the child's ability to master end. I will never forget the first time one of myBoys jumped. He crouched all the way down to the ground and jumped into the air with his hands the whole way, and jumped about a half an inch above the ground. It 'was hysterical thing I have ever seen. When you make your child to capture these types of activities encourage them to continue to develop these skills.
While your child may or may not be ready for a tricycle, but this is a good age to learn, so they know what to expectand be willing to jump on and pedal away, when they are ready.
My boys are also working on mastering climbing jungle in the park, and "capture". Throwing and catching a large ball for the development of the child's hand eye coordination great. Initially just need to keep your child from your arms and throw the ball in his arms, so it's easy to catch them. Soon the idea!
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