The stage in young children requested their own wheels, can begin, in fact, for a load parent. Not only costs but also the risk that goes with the toys around the game.
As parents and guardians, is the only thing we can do to ensure that to reduce the chances of accidents. There is only so much we can control when it comes to children's behavior and safety.
We can help you select the correct ride-on toys for her, adding:
1stBuy a ride on toy manufacturers to age and weight recommendations.
2nd Check children carefully for potential hazards on a bicycle, tricycle, scooter or sharp edges or points and all the little parts that could choke young people to potential dangers.
We also have the right equipment, scooting or cycling. proper equipment includes helmet, knee and elbow pads. We should show how to properly wear a helmet - flat on top of the head, not tilted back in aAngle, but at least two fingers above the eyebrows. We must also ensure that the helmet fits the child's head, his view is not obstructed, the chin strap fits well, and that the buckle stays fastened.
We should choose a helmet that has been tested to be safe, should come with labels indicating that the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission mandatory safety standards to meet. Bicycle helmets for children from 1-5 cover most of their heads to give them moreSecurity.
With the purchase of tricycles for children, it is better to have a high standard on the back to add, so as to be clearly visible to motorists when the child plays with the car or on the street.
We should also children to wear shoes at all times when cycling or scooting. We should also remember a point of looking for rough roads or spaces between the stones, if the terrace of a tire or road obstacles such as sharp rocks that may hold the drilling of the tire, the ride-on toys.
HereMemories are only for older children, cycling or scooting out of their homeland:
1st Use your bike or scooter only during the day.
Always the 2nd round on sidewalks, paved roads and smooth surfaces. Stay away from vehicles, sand, gravel, water, earth and leaves, too, can lose control of the bike.
3rd Do not use the bicycle or scooter near a swimming pool, steps, hills, roads or trails.
4th Check traffic before crossing streets, obeytraffic signs and signals, and give you cars and pedestrians right of way.
Check the brakes 5th toy before use.
6 Wear colors attractive to motorists can easily spot the streets.
7th Ride on the right side of the road, and be very careful when turning left in areas where there is also the driver.
Kids need an adult when playing with toys around, but will not always be there to watch over them, it is best toMake sure you understand the risks associated with activities and with knowledge of how to take safety precautions.
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